Just picture a great big steak
Fried, roasted or stewed
Oh food!
Wonderful food!
Marvelous food!
Glorious food!
So, if you are a regular visitor to shirt.woot, you'll eventually stumble across a shirt designed by Fablefire. And there's a good chance it might feature a character, who for lack of a better name, I will call "Meat Bunny." Dorothy looooves this character. She thinks he's hilarious. Every time he pops up on a shirt we have to grab it. (It doesn't hurt that killer bunnies appear to be a recurring theme in my shirt collection, either - see shirts #441, #406, #405, and #398).
We've featured one of them before - "Meatitarian" - and today we can add this "I Heart Meat" shirt to that pile. And this week I'll be feature a bunch of other shirts from our collection that feature this character.
PS: I realize I just gave the folks over at shirt.woot a foolproof way to extract all the money from my wallet, and I'm trusting you guys not to tell them about it.
PPS: Who wants their steak stewed? Ew.